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Clostebol Acetate 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate Steroid Powder

Clostebol Acetate | 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate Steroid Powder

Clostebol Acetate 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate CAS 855-19-6 Basic Info: Product name: Clostebol Acetate CAS NO.: 855-19-6 EINECS: 212-720-4 Assay: 98% min. Molecular Formula: C21H29ClO3 Molecular weight: 364.91 Character: White crystalline powder. Usage: pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones. Standard: Enterprise Standard Product Description: Clostebol Acetate is synthetic androgen and have a obvious gray assimilation effection, but weak …

Superdrol Powder Raw Steroid Oral Masteron Methasterone Methyldrostanolone bitcoin steroid powder

Superdrol Powder Raw Steroid Oral Masteron Methasterone Methyldrostanolone

Superdrol Powder Raw Steroid Oral Masteron Methasterone Methyldrostanolone Manufacturer Superdrol Methasterone Methyldrostanolone Basic Info Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone) CAS : 3381-88-2 Molecular Formula: C21H34O2 Molecular Weight: 318.4935 Appearance: White or white crystalline powder.   What is Superdrol Methasterone ? Methasterone (nickname Superdrol), also known as methyldrostanolone, is an orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that was never marketed through legitimate channels for medicinal purposes. …