Clostebol Powder

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Clostebol Acetate 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate Steroid Powder

Clostebol Acetate | 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate Steroid Powder

Clostebol Acetate 4-Chlorotestosterone Acetate CAS 855-19-6 Basic Info: Product name: Clostebol Acetate CAS NO.: 855-19-6 EINECS: 212-720-4 Assay: 98% min. Molecular Formula: C21H29ClO3 Molecular weight: 364.91 Character: White crystalline powder. Usage: pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones. Standard: Enterprise Standard Product Description: Clostebol Acetate is synthetic androgen and have a obvious gray assimilation effection, but weak …